

Please donate to the Yawanawá People via the WILD Foundation, whose mission is to protect the sovereignty of the Yawanawá People for the benefit of their culture, the forest they steward, and its role in producing life-giving services for us all. The WILD Foundation is a non-profit, US 501(c)3 organization. Donations made to WILD, or projects it sponsors, are tax exempt to the fullest extent of US law. EIN: 23-7389749

We have fun plans and a real roadmap at TRUST.
Your support helps us activate climate solutions faster.


To donate by check: TRUST Climate Action Strategists, POB 2429 Homer, AK 99603

Please note gifts to TRUST Climate Action Strategists do not qualify for tax deductions, but don’t let that sway you! For our first LIVING BRIGHTLY we will be supporting Tashka Yawanawá’s Amazon-protecting tribe by giving all additional funds from all access tickets to our events to the Yawanawá’s.